This is the list of papers published in journals or presented at conferences.

EuWireless: Design of a pan-European Mobile Network Operator for ResearchProc. EuCNC 2018Short Paper2018
A pan-European infrastructure for research in mobile networksProc. JCSD 2018Regular Paper2018
Expanding GÉANT Testbeds Service to Support Pan-European 5G Network Slices for Research in the EuWireless ProjectMobile Information ArticleSystems
Volume 2019
Open Access Article2019
Current experiences and lessons learned towards defining pan-European mobile network operator for research – based on EU project EuWirelessPrzegląd Telekomunikacyjny I Wiadomości TelekomunikacyjneConference paper2019
Is GEANT Testbeds Service compliant with ETSI MANO?Proc. JCSD 2019Regular Paper/ Presentation2019
Trace analysis using an Event-driven Interval Temporal LogicProc. LOPSTR 2019Regular Paper2019
How Formal Methods can contribute to 5G Networks?From Software Engineering to Formal Methods and Tools and BackBook chapter2019
EuWireless RAN architecture and slicing framework for virtual testbeds Proc. TRIDENTCOMRegular Paper2019
Dynamic Spectrum Management for European-Wide Research NetworkProc. VTC-Spring 2020Regular Paper2020
The LSA Based Spectrum Sharing Solution for Wireless Research Networks Utilizing Commercial MNO NetworksProc. EuCNC 2020Regular Paper2020
Vehicle to Everything (V2X) performance test setup characterizationProc. URSI 2020Regular Paper2020